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Postiaux Fisioterapia Respiratoria.pdf 2022


Category:Fisioterapy Category:Treatment of breathing disorders"Mini-pancreaticoduodenectomy with total duodenal replacement" in the treatment of pancreatic head tumors. Preservation of the spleen in case of tumor resection is important for the prevention of postoperative immunodeficiency, which is very high risk in patients with pancreatic head tumors. The standard treatment of choice is a pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) with its resulting spleen loss. Total duodenal replacement (TDR) is an innovative surgical approach that is a novel alternative to PD. The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and feasibility of mini-pancreaticoduodenectomy with TDR in patients with pancreatic head tumors. We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 13 patients with pancreatic head tumors, whose surgery was performed between January 2013 and June 2017. The surgical method was mini-pancreaticoduodenectomy with TDR. The perioperative complication rates, length of the operation, and short-term and long-term outcomes were compared between mini-pancreaticoduodenectomy with TDR and standard PD. There were 2 cases of gastric cancer and 11 cases of pancreatic head cancer. Seven cases were TNM stage I and the remaining 6 cases were stage II. There were no operative mortalities. All of the patients recovered uneventfully. In comparison with PD, the operation time was significantly reduced, the intraoperative blood loss was significantly decreased, and the length of the hospital stay was significantly shortened. The patients in the mini-pancreaticoduodenectomy with TDR group had a significantly lower rate of postoperative complications than the patients in the PD group. The results suggested that mini-pancreaticoduodenectomy with TDR was safe and feasible in the treatment of pancreatic head tumors.--- abstract: | This work presents a re-modeling of a large-scale automotive test bench that simulates the internal combustion engine for research purposes. A focus of the modeling is the acquisition of the engine-load-measurement signals. Existing process model representations lack the level of detail necessary to model these sensors, while simulation engines lack the size of data to process the typical signals provided by sensors. This work proposes the representation of the engine measurement process as a mixed-event process. Such representation can 01e38acffe - Postiaux Fisioterapia Respiratoria. Special issue of Rev Bras Fisioter. :. Postiaux Fisioterapia Respiratoria . Rev Bras Fisioter (Revista brasileira de fisioterapia (Sao Carlos (Sao Paulo, Brazil))) . Postiaux Fisioterapia Respiratoria.pdf - No records found Author: HARM Publisher: Publikation São Carlos (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Date: 30/08/2012 Number: 1 ISSN: E-15.4553-F Resumo: No RNEFISOTO do CEARES, 2013, o Postiaux Fisioterapia Respiratoria, forma a principal versão escrita de trabalho e divulgação do acervo das Revistas Brasileiras de Fisioterapia (RFBs) publicadas no CEARES. Os trabalhos apresentam número de título e autores, instituições e comemorações, tradução e cronologia. Seja como vídeo, também é possível visualizar os trabalhos dentro do RNEFISOTO do CEARES. Abstract: No RNEFISOTO do CEARES, 2013, the Postiaux Fisioterapia Respiratoria, is the principal written version of the work and the dissemination of the RFBs published in the CEARES. The works present number of title and authors, institutions and celebrations, translation and chronology. Whether as video, you can also view the works within the RNEFISOTO of the CEARES.osomal pathway are currently unknown. Targeting the innate immune system is particularly attractive for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. In this context, we demonstrated that STING activation by cytosolic, but not covalently bound, cyclic dinucleotides, is sufficient to induce microglial production of neurotoxic and neurotrophic factors, resulting in neuroprotection against Aβ42-induced neurotoxicity.

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